Friday, September 16, 2011

Tell me Why

The Big Book of Tell Me Why: Answers to Hundred of Questions Children Asks

Where is that truck going? What is in that truck? Why is that digger not working? Where is the dump truck? Why is that man holding a sign? What is that girl doing? Why do I have to wear underwear? Why do I have to wash my hair? What is shampoo? Why was I in your tummy? Where is that train going? Why is it stopped? Who is in it? Where does daddy work? Where is the city? Why does he take the train? Why is Taya crying? Why is she tired? Why do we need to wear seatbelts? What does safe mean? Who built this car? Why is it silver? Who built our house? Why did Bob the Builder build our house? Where does Bob the Builder live? Why can’t I have ice cream? What does too much sugar mean? Why are you laughing??????? And this is just in the fifteen minute car ride to school, AND I had to come up with answers to every single question!
It amazes me the amount of questions that one three year old can ask. How can someone so little and so young have so many questions? What must she be thinking? Does her mind ever slow down? Will she always be this curious? Will she always need to know the who, what, where and why of every little thing?  I really do hope so.  I enjoy watching her mind work. My only concern is that I am going to run out of answers. That she is going to catch on and realize that I do not know everything. Until then  - does anyone know where I can get a copy of  “The Big Book of Tell me Why - Answers to hundreds of questions that children ask” ?

1 comment:

  1. Mum gave me that book - apparently I asked a lot of questions, too!!
